Thursday, December 21, 2023

Les architectes sont des gens qui s'engagent...

Les architectes sont des gens qui s'engagent à faire eux-mêmes de qui requiert leur expertise. Ils engagent leur responsabilité personnelle dans leurs actes professionnels Les bons architectes spécifient des matériaux durables. Les architectes font des designs originaux et imaginatifs utiles et fonctionnels. Ils conçoivent avec un souci de protection du feu et parfois de l'innondation. Ce qu'ils concoivent est adapté à l'environnement et au voisinage. Les architectes sont disponible pour des inspections en fonction de l'avencement des travaux. Les architectes font une dernière version telle que construite à moins que leur mandat exclue celà Les architectes construisent en fonction du climat, de la charge de neige possible, des ouragans etc. Les architectes écoutent leur clients. Ils s'entourent de gens compétants et intègres. Les architectes tiennent leurs promesses. Ils s'engagent à ce que leurs toits ne coulent pas et que leurs fenêtres soient fonctionelles. Ils respectent leur budget et leurs échéances. Ils font appel à des experts au besoin.

Monday, October 30, 2023

From tents to hospitals

The University of Clifornia in San Francisco surveyed the homeless. More than a quarter said they had been hospitalised for mental illness. Two-thirds said they were currently stuggling with a mental-health condition. One third said they were using methamphetamine. This dangerous condition of drug use, mental illness and sleeping rough has increased homeless death to 2200 last year in LA County. California's Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, wants to use a 6,400,000,000 $ bond issue to build 10,000 treatment beds and housing units. Kathy Hochul, the governor of New York set aside 1,000,000,000 $ in her 2024 budget for hospital beds and housing. California also wants to increase involuntary treatment, mostly with long-term injection of anti-psychotics of people in the community.

Pharmacy-benefit managers in the US

In the USA, 4,100,000,000,000. $ is spent yearly on health-care. This is 17% of GDP, a rate almost twice the average of OECD countries. The middlemen take 45% of America's helth-care bill. UnitedHealth Group made 324,000,000,000 $ in revenues last year. Just three PBMs handled 80% of all prescription claims. Between 2013 and 2023, the nine health care giants spent 325,000,000,000 $ over 320 mergers and acquisitions. Increasingly, vertical integration brings in the same group : insurance, clinics, hospitals and pharmacies. The latest entry into medical care is Amazon. Its Amazon Clinics offer virtual consultations and RxPass offers cheap generic drugs to Amazon Prime subscribers.

weight-loss drugs

Every decada brings a new fad : in the 1870s it was calories, in the 1980s, salt, in the 1990s fat, in the 2000s, carbs, in the 2010, gluten and dairy. Now the new fad is not a diet, but injectable medicines. Wegovy was approved in 2021. Ozempic and Munjaro are anti-diabetes drugs widely used off label for weight loss. The food industry is not worried : American appetites drives an over-consumption of food. remember that carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram, protein also 4 calories per gram and lipids (fat) provide 9 calories per gram. If you are gaining too much weight, eat less or exercise more. There are many benefits to exercising more. Other tricks are : don't do your grocery shopping when you are hungry (eat before you go out), don't eat between meals and don't leave snacks lying around : put them in a cupboard. Also ask for reduced portions at restaurants.

Ending cash bail bonds

On september 18th, Illinois beccame the first state to completely scrap cash bail. In New York, a law that eliminated cash bail in all but a few violent affences reduced pre-trial detention. Judges now have to release before the trial or emprison the accused.

Friday, February 25, 2022

142 deaths due to exposure !

 According to the coroner's office, hypothermia killed 142 persons between 2015 and 2021.  21 of those deaths occured in first peoples' communities.  Ancestral knowledge about how to build an igloo and survive a severe storm is being lost.  Alcohol is present in three quarters of the cases.  63 of the 142 deaths occured to people 70 years or more.

biblical commandments, up-to-date

 The commandments, as explained in Deuteronomy, chapter 5 are extracted here from the "good news Bible"

Worship no god but me.

Obey my instructions and do not be swayed by hoarding money or participate in sects.

Do not make for yourselves images of anything in heaven. 

Restect church property especially images of godliness.

Do not bow down to any idol or worship it 

Remember that you are serving God, abide by my instructions which will keep you away from worshiping your Mercedes or a bribe oor similar object

Do not use my name for any evil purposes

Swearing is to be averted

Observe the sabbath, and keep it holy

Rest weekly

Respect your father and your mother

Help them in their old age.

Do not commit murder

Respect life

Do not commit adultery

Have a responsible sex life

Do not steal

Respect other's and public property.  Respect copyright.  Stay away from shady dealings.  Do not claim more than is due to you.  Pay your taxes.  Accept expropriations because railways, pipelines, canals and power lines are important to the public good.  Drive safely and keep your licence palte cleen.

Do not accuse anyone falsely

Stick to the truth and your opinion will be respected.

Do not desire another man's wife, do not desire his house, his land, his slaves, his cattle or anything else that he owns.  

jealous people are sad.  We are not on earth to be served but to serve.